My Story
Hi there, I’m Tammy.
My first glimpse into the power of natural alternatives was when I discovered that a niacin deficiency was the cause of the sun rashes I developed every spring and summer. I love the outdoors; so finding this simple and inexpensive cure with a host of other benefits was a life changer for me. This began my passion for learning about natural supplementation for health and wellness.
A few years later my mom was diagnosed with frontal temporal dementia and progressive supranuclear palsy. The same year my husband began experiencing mysterious health issues and went to several different clinical doctors who all said his blood work and heart scans were normal. Out of frustration, I began to investigate alternative medicine and found a local functional medicine practitioner who was able to uncover deficiencies in his diet and toxins in his work environment which were contributing to his condition. Through holistic approaches to a whole foods diet, stress management, exercise, and efficient sleep he was able to make a full recovery.
Through this difficult season, I relied on my faith to help guide me through the challenges. I learned to listen to the still small voice as it guided me to information and connections that brought answers and healing to myself and my family.
I felt a strong leading to enroll in The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and become a Health Coach. I then went on to pursue becoming a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.
Synced Health and Wellness was born out of the idea that God's plan was for us to have balance in all areas of our lives.
He desires us to be physically, emotionally, and spiritually whole. We automatically create wellness in our bodies when all these things are aligned like they naturally occur in nature. Our body is beautifully designed and all the parts are interconnected and work in perfect harmony. It is a marvel of self-healing, with the power to recover and regenerate from injuries and illnesses.
As a coach, I believe in the power of using our faith to help us navigate life and trust that God is always ready and willing to show us the way. So whether you just drop in here on occasion to read the blog, grab a timely resource, or decide I’m your girl and choose to work with me - I’m super happy you’re here!
You are capable, you are resilient, and with the right guidance, you will thrive beyond your wildest dreams.
“Never doubt God's mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.”